Us Air Force Academy Summer Seminar Personal Statement Essay Samples
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Creating a Genealogy Blog
Making a Genealogy Blog Utilizing a Blog to Write About Family History A blog, short for Web log, is essentially a simple to-utilize Web webpage. No compelling reason to stress a lot over inventiveness or code. Rather a blog is essentially an online diary you simply open it up and begin to compose which makes it an incredible mode for recording your family ancestry search and offering it to the world. A Typical Blog Web journals share a typical arrangement, which makes it simple for perusers to rapidly skim for intriguing or relevant data. It its essential structure, a commonplace blog contains: short, instructive passages - for the most part masterminded backward sequential ordera time or potentially date for each postlinks to different sites or Web locales for extra contentarchives of all recently posted substance, here and there organized into classes Online journals dont must be all content either. Most blog programming makes it simple to include photographs, diagrams, and so forth to show your posts. 1. Decide Your Purpose What would you like to speak with your blog? A lineage or family ancestry blog can be utilized for some motivations to recount to family stories, to record your exploration ventures, to share your discoveries, to work together with relatives or to show photographs. A few genealogists have even made a blog to share day by day passages from a progenitors journal, or to post family plans. 2. Select a Blogging Platform The most ideal approach to comprehend the simplicity of blogging is to simply bounce directly in. In the event that you dont need to put a great deal of cash in this from the outset, there are many free blogging administrations on the Web, including Blogger, LiveJournal and WordPress. There are even blog facilitating alternatives intended explicitly for genealogists, for example, on the long range informal communication webpage GenealogyWise. On the other hand, you can pursue a facilitated blogging administration, for example, TypePad, or pay for a standard facilitated Web webpage and transfer your own blogging programming. 3. Select the Format Theme for Your Blog The best things about websites is that they are easy to utilize, however you should settle on certain choices about how you need your blog to look. shading plan and style - most blog programming offers a lot of pre-structured layouts, so this is only a question of picking the one you likecategories - Many sites use classifications to characterize the general topic of each post, making it simple to discover all posts on a specific point. Fundamentally classifications are a hierarchical plan. You may decide to order by family name or by region. Or on the other hand you can sort by point - enumeration, burial ground, passings, and so on. Or on the other hand you can decide not to arrange your blog entries at all.your content group - in the event that you need your blog to be a synergistic exertion, at that point youll need to choose which individuals you intend to offer access to post to your blogcomments - If you need others to have the option to present reactions on your data, at that point you can open up remarks on your blog. This makes it simple for different specialists to connect with you or include new data, however can som e of the time pull in a couple of crazies too. You can generally close remarks in the event that they dont function admirably for you. In the event that you arent secure with a portion of this, dont stress. These are altogether choices that can be changed and changed as you go. 4. Compose Your First Blog Post Since we have the fundamentals off the beaten path, the time has come to make your first post. In the event that you dont do a ton of composing, this will presumably be the most troublesome piece of blogging. Break yourself into blogging tenderly by keeping your first posts quick and painless. Peruse other family ancestry online journals for motivation. In any case, attempt to compose at any rate one new post like clockwork. 5. Promote Your Blog When you have a couple of posts on your blog, youll need a crowd of people. Start with an email to loved ones to tell them about your blog. On the off chance that youre utilizing a blogging administration, at that point ensure that you turn on the ping alternative. This alarms the significant blog catalogs each time you make another post. You can likewise do this through locales, for example, Ping-O-matic. Youll additionally unquestionably need to join GeneaBloggers, where youll end up following in some admirable people's footsteps among more than 2,000 other ancestry bloggers. Consider taking an interest in a couple of blog jamborees also, for example, the Carnival of Genealogy. 6. Keep it Fresh Beginning a blog is the crucial step, yet your occupations not done at this point. A blog is something you need to stay aware of. You dont need to compose each day, yet you do need to include to it a customary premise or individuals wont return to understand it. Fluctuate what you expound on to keep yourself intrigued. One day you can post some photographs from a burial ground visit, and the following you can discuss an incredible new database you discovered on the web. The intelligent, continuous nature of a blog is one reason it is such a decent mode for genealogists - it keeps you considering, looking for and sharing your family ancestry! Kimberly Powell, About.coms Genealogy Guide since 2000, is an expert genealogist and the creator of Everything Family Tree, second Edition (2006) and The Everything Guide to Online Genealogy (2008). Snap here for more data on Kimberly Powell.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Middle School Science Fair Projects
Center School Science Fair Projects It very well may be a test to think of a center school science reasonable undertaking thought. There is savage rivalry to concoct the coolest thought, in addition to you need a theme that is viewed as fitting for your instructive level: Grade School ProjectsMiddle School ProjectsHigh School ProjectsCollege Projects This is your opportunity to excel! Center school understudies may do okay with ventures that depict or model marvels, however in the event that you can respond to a question or tackle an issue, you will exceed expectations. Attempt to propose a theory and test it. Focus on a composed introduction with visual guides, for example, pictures or physical models. Pick a task you can do decently fast, to give you an opportunity to chip away at the report (no longer than a month). Schools may restrict ventures utilizing dangerous synthetics or creatures, so avoid any and all risks and abstain from whatever may raise warnings with your educator. Will you altogether influence your family unit water bill or electric bill (water or vitality use) by rolling out an improvement in you or your familys conduct? For instance, you may follow transforms you are making, as shorter showers or killing lights, and record the utility usage.What family unit squander materials may be utilized to channel water? Instances of materials you may attempt would incorporate banana strips and espresso grounds.What materials sparkle under dark light? Would you be able to utilize the UV light to discover undetectable, conceivably rotten, recolors in your floor covering or somewhere else in your house?Will cooling an onion before cutting it keep you from crying?Does catnip repulse cockroaches better than DEET?What proportion of vinegar to preparing soft drink delivers the best substance fountain of liquid magma eruption?What sort of cling wrap forestalls dissipation the best?What plastic wrap forestalls oxidation the best?What level of an orange is water ?Are night creepy crawlies pulled in to lights in view of warmth or light?Can you make Jello utilizing new pineapples rather than canned pineapples? Do white candles consume at an unexpected rate in comparison to shaded candles?Does the nearness of cleanser in water influence plant growth?Can an immersed arrangement of sodium chloride despite everything break down Epsom salts?Does attraction influence the development of plants?How does the state of an ice 3D square influence how rapidly it melts?Do various brands of popcorn leave various measures of unpopped kernels?How precisely egg makers measure eggs?How do contrasts in surfaces influence the bond of tape?If you shake up various types or brands of soda pops (e.g., carbonated), will they all regurgitate the equivalent amount?Are all potato chips similarly greasy?Do similar sorts of form develop on a wide range of bread?Does light influence the rate at which nourishments spoil?Can you utilize a family unit water channel to expel flavor or shading from different liquids?Does the intensity of a microwave influence how well it makes popcorn?Do all brands of diapers assimilate a sim ilar measure of fluid? Does it make a difference what the fluid is (water rather than juice or... um.. pee)? Do all dishwashing cleansers produce a similar measure of air pockets? Clean a similar number of dishes?Is the healthful substance of various brands of a vegetable (e.g., canned peas) the same?How lasting are indelible markers? What solvents (e.g., water, liquor, vinegar, cleanser arrangement) will expel the ink? Do various brands/kinds of markers produce the equivalent results?Is clothing cleanser as compelling in the event that you utilize not exactly the suggested sum? More?Do all hairsprays hold similarly well? Similarly long? Does the sort of hair influence the results?What impact do added substances have on the precious stones? You could include food shading, flavorings, or other impurities.What steps would you be able to take to amplify precious stone size? You can influence vibration, dampness, temperature, theâ rate of dissipation, virtue of your development medium, and time took into account precious stone growth.How do various variables influence seed germination? Variabl es that you could test incorporate the power, term, or kind of light, the temperature, the measure of water, the nearness/nonattendance of specific synthetic compounds, or the nearness/nonappearance of soil. You can take a gander at the level of seeds that sprout or the rate at which seeds develop. Is a seed influenced by its size? Do distinctive size seeds have diverse germination rates or rates? Does seed size influence the development rate or last size of a plant?How does cold stockpiling influence the germination of seeds? Components you can control incorporate the kind of seeds, theâ length of capacity, theâ temperature of capacity, and different factors, for example, light and humidity.What conditions influence the aging of organic product? Take a gander at ethylene and encasing a natural product in a fixed sack, temperature, light, or proximity to different pieces or fruit.How are various soils influenced by disintegration? You can make your own breeze or water and assess the consequences for soil. On the off chance that you approach a freezing cooler, you can take a gander at the impacts of freeze and defrost cycles.How does the pH of soil identify with the pH of the water around the dirt? You can make your own pH paper, test the pH of the dirt, include water, at that point test the pH of the water. Are the two qualities the equivalent? If not, is there a connection between them?How close does a plant need to be to a pesticide for it to work? What components impact the viability of a pesticide (downpour? light? wind?)? What amount would you be able to weaken a pesticide while holding its viability? How successful are regular nuisance obstacles?
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Chapter Five Discussion Example
Chapter Five Discussion Example Chapter Five: Discussion â€" Essay Example > CHAPTER V â€" DISCUSSIONIntroduction The discussion chapter deduces, expounds and discusses the findings of the study in regard to the research questions. These are how Facebook as a medium for instruction and communication enhances student’s learning. The other question deals with how Facebook as a medium for communication and instruction strengthens students’ self-efficacy beliefs. In the research conducted, it is noted that social networking sites are very important and effective in learning (Atwong Hugstad, 1997). The research, aimed at using Facebook to instruct Saudi Arabian students on a new language which is English, depicts social interaction as very important in enhancing understanding and positive self-efficacy beliefs. The discussion is based on results obtained from an open ended questionnaire with responses from the participants. The questionnaire had 18 items sub-divided into sections on the participant’s views, beliefs as wells as perceptions. Summary of Mai n ResultsMany researchers have conducted research on the importance of social interaction and a community of learners. Among the well-known theories are the sociocultural theory and the community of practice theory. Both theories assert that learning objectives are effectively achieved when learners are placed in learning situations that give them an opportunity to engage and interact with each other (Vygotsky, 1978) and (Lave Wenger 1991). Facebook is a social networking site that allows learners to socially interact in a common practice or with the same agenda. Facebook has many features that allow students to interact. For instance, there is a comment option where people can comment on ideas; there is a like option for liking information posted on a page. Additionally, people can share meaningful information through the share feature. Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory describes cultural tools, language and social interaction as important components of learning (Vygotsky, 1978) . Through these components, students interact and learn new things. Community of practice theory refers to a group of people sharing a similar idea in this case learning (Lave Wenger 1991). They interact together to achieve their learning objectives. In the research one instrument of study has been used, which is an open ended questionnaire. The open ended questionnaires were distributed to participants and each had 18 items. These items were subdivided into three parts: views, beliefs and perceptions. The participants’ views are important as they have been used to give a subjective discussion. Bearing in mind that people differs in their outlook on things; the views are compared with current studies conducted to discuss the findings. Beliefs are what everyone thinks to be true in their own manner (Bandura, 1995). In this research beliefs are an important part of the discussion, which have been used to answer the research questions on, how Facebook as a medium of communication s trengthens student’s self-efficacy beliefs. The perceptions of the participants have been important in determining how they think Facebook has helped in their learning (Uslues Mazman, 2008). How Facebook as a Medium for Communication and Instruction Enhances Students’ LearningThe results of this study show that Facebook increases student’s learning. According to Ophus Abbitt (2009), Facebook as a medium for communication, has been noted to result in increased interaction among people than any other form of communication. As a result it acts as a very effective medium of passing meaningful information from one person to another. Among the questions asked to the participants was the perceived usefulness of Facebook in learning. Using the responses attained from two of the participants, it is noted that both students saw Facebook as a means of learning, which makes learning easy and that permits interaction as well as cooperativeness. Ease of learning is achieved through the ability to share ideas, different education material can be shared, the learners are more exposed and learning is easy due to sharing and engaging. Facebook permits interaction as well as cooperativeness because differing individuals can be brought together to contribute their differing viewpoints. In Facebook, a large number of people are engaged, which results in a wide array of information.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Statement For Scicom Essay Example Pdf - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2455 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? The Companys service is to persistently deliver on its promise of Total Customer Delight to its clients. Scicoms main product offering is scicomsourcing, comprising the four distinct modules of scicompartner, scicomacademy, scicomconsulting and scicommarketing Scicom is a global CRM Consulting, Technology services, Education and Outsourcing Company. With province skill, and full capabilities across all industries and business functions, Scicom partners with clients to help them focus on their customers so that they become high-performance businesses both in the public and private sector. Their Customer Focused Business strategy builds on their skills in consulting, technology, education and outsourcing to help clients carry out at the utmost levels so they can create sustainable value for their customers. Using their business knowledge, service-offering skill, technical potential and by improving operational performance and delivery , Scicom helps clients increase revenues from their on hand customers, preserve their current customer base and proactively obtain new customers. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Statement For Scicom Essay Example Pdf" essay for you Create order Scicom has a long-term partnership with global clients and governments and also works with organizations of all sizes. Scicom is one of the prime contact centre outsourcing service providers in Malaysia, having provided services for some of the major global MNCs in the world. Scicom currently manages customer relations in 40 languages, covering over 89 countries and delivering Total Customer Delight to over 40 million customers worldwide. Since its incorporation in 1997, Scicom has consistently provided first rate quality customer care, technical support and related performance services, as well as a wide-ranging selection of training, loyalty marketing, call centre consulting and human resource development services. Scicom has a unique and flexible business model based on financial clarity and contractually agreed performance targets, with a reward and penalty composition for a win-win client-vendor relationship. Reference : Chairman statement for Scicom The Annual Report of Scicom (MSC) Berhad for the financial year ended on 30 June 2012. This financial year had been a challenging one as the economic woes and the financial crisis continued in Europe. This resulted in their clientele of MNCs being careful in utilizing budgets for outsourcing services. They either postponed their spending commitments or reduced their supplies for the year. Moreover the sales cycle to convert potential clients to use Scicoms services is now taking longer. The chairman stated that against this backdrop, they weathered the storm well. Their well-organized use of resources and technology has enabled them to provide competitive rates and better service offering to all their existing clients and attain a number of new clients. Last year, they ceased their operations in the US and followed by closing their office in India. Both these actions have allowed them to focus their resources in Malaysia, Indonesia and Sri Lanka. T heir product and services segregation have evolved based on a deep domain understanding of their core business, and has provided them with a vigorous platform for the future in terms of growth potential, market penetration and product significance. Prudent financial management while in this evolutionary phase has allowed them to fund their operations in Malaysia and extend their reach into Sri Lanka and Indonesia through inside generated funds and they continue to end this year with zero debt and a strong cash balance. The Groups revenue for the current financial year was RM131.23 million, representing a marginal 6.9% decrease from the previous financial year. However net profit for the current financial year showed a slight increase at RM13.61 million as compared to RM13.28 million in the previous financial year. Scicoms strategy of services segregation not only made them applicable to their perceptive client base but has also laid the groundwork towards their goal of obtai ning better margin differentiation for their company. The Groups margin for the current year was 10.37% as compared to the past years 9.42%. The Board has suggested a final dividend payment of 1.0 sen per normal share, tax exempt, in respect of the financial year ended 30 June 2012. Two short-term dividends of 1.0 sen per normal share each, tax exempt, were paid on 15 March 2012 and 28 September 2012 respectively. The short-term dividends together with planned final dividend together amount to a dividend payout for the financial year of 3.0 sen per ordinary share, tax exempt. This proposal translates to a dividend payout ratio on profits of about 65% and reflects the boards dedication towards maintaining a established dividend payout for its shareholders. Sales cycles for complex projects are typically 6 to 9 months and achievement can be of a similar time scale. The Group having now consolidated and embarked on marketing its all-inclusive suite of Customer Services Manageme nt solutions over FY2012, is poised to start to implement these solution sets in FY2013. The focus areas for sustainable growth as set out above are expected to result in greater earnings and revenue for the Group for FY2013. The Group thanks the Government of Malaysia, the regulators, their shareholders, their loyal clients, and more importantly, their committed staff on both sides of the many jurisdictions which they operate in, for their support in making the Groups business a success. Besides they also thank the Board members for their ongoing support, commitment and prudent control in shaping the Groups path to ensure their constant growth.  Reference : Background of Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) Tenaga Nasional Berhad also known as (TNB) is the leading electrical energy service in Malaysia with almost RM73 billion in assets. TNB is listed on the central board of Bursa Malaysia and employs more than 31,000 people Group-wide to serve an anticipated 8.08 million clients in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Labuan. The Group position as the Central Electricity Board of the Federation of Malaya in 1949, TNB has powered nationwide expansion hard work for more than 60 years by providing reliable and capable electricity services. TNBs core businesses are in the generation, transmission and supply of electricity. In Peninsular Malaysia, TNB is a major supplier to the total industry power through six thermal stations and three major hydroelectric schemes. It also manages and operates the National Grid which links TNB power stations and IPPs to the division system in peninsula. The network is attached to Thailands diffusion system in the north and Singapores diffusion system in the s outh. In East Malaysia, TNB, through 80%-owned supplementary Sabah Electricity Sdn. Bhd. (SESB), manages the Sabah Grid and aims to provide electricity to 95% of the states population by year 2013. TNBs supply network is managed through a wide-ranging supply system, customer service centres and call management centres. Over the years, TNB has diversify from its core business into the manufacture of transformers, high power switchgears and cables, the provision of skilled consultancy services and architectural, civil, electrical engineering works and services, repair and maintenance. The Company also engages in study and development, property development and executive services. Tapping into opportunities available abroad, TNB is making inroads into emerging markets in the county as well as in the Middle East. In 2005, the company embarked on a 20 Year planned plan which entails better focal point on green initiatives such as the development of renewable sources of fuel, and more w ell-organized demand side management via power effectiveness. This hard work set of scales the Governments carbon fall agenda while also creating groundwork for sustainable energy for the future. TNB believes in providing service quality and aims to attain global leadership. Towards this end, the Company invests comprehensively in the continuous professional development of its employees through planned programmers. As a leading GLC, TNB also places strong importance on its social and environmental responsibilities. Yayasan Tenaga Nasional (YTN), established in 1993, funds much of the Companys CSR programmes. TNB also has a tradition of promoting sports and rising sporting talent in the country. The Companys own hockey team is well-known for regularly winning the Malaysian Hockey League Championship. TNB Vision is To Be among the Leading Corporations in Energy and Related Businesses Globally TNB Mission areWe Are Committed to Excellence in Our Products and Services Reference : Chairmans Statement for TNB The Chairman states that TNB had to manage the prolonged gas supply shortage. About 60% of the generation capacity in Peninsular Malaysia depends on gas, hence the shortfall took a significant toll on the company, requiring them to burn more exclusive substitute fuels such as medium fuel oil (MFO) and distillates. Faced with these challenges, it has become increasingly difficult to stay true to their core duty of Keeping the Lights On. Where else rallying all their resources and working together as they have done for more than 60 years, TNB managed to achieve highly worthy financial results and operational performance. In their quest to serve their consumers while ensuring financial cautiousness, they kept innovating, and seeking ever better technologies to improve their operational efficiencies hence drive down costs and boost their bottom line. Yet, they would not have been able to produce the results they did this financial year if not for the support of the Government, which he lped extremely to reduce the impact of the increased cost of fuel. The Government introduced a compensation package that came into effect in January 2012, through which the additional costs that TNB has had to shoulder is being shared three ways by the Government, Petronas and the company. Since this compensation scheme was implemented, they received a total of RM3,154.5 million, significantly easing their financial weight and leading to a return in their profit margins from the second quarter of the financial year 2012 onwards. The cost compensation mechanism, however, is only a temporary solution until sustainable measures are implemented that will lead to a more open, competitive and efficient industry. A good deal of groundwork has been done towards this end. The government and regulators have indicated that new policies and regulatory frameworks will be put in place soon to restore the fuel cost issue in a way that benefits all parties involved. The Groups profit was a healt hy RM4, 197.6 million for the year, a more than three-fold increase of the RM965.4 million achieved in Financial Year 2011. The Groups total revenue, meanwhile, increased by 11.2% as against an increase of 2.1% in operating expenses. This resulted in a higher EBITDA margin of 25.1% as compared to 23.3% in Financial Year 2011. The increase in EBITDA margin was also partly contributed by the slight improvement of 1.5% in the daily average gas volume, from 946mmscfd in year 2011 to 960mmscfd in year 2012. The Board of Directors is encouraged by TNBs healthy performance. And it gives them great pleasure to announce that, after not being able to declare a final year dividend for Financial Year 2011, they are recommending for approval of shareholders at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting a final single tier dividend of 15.0 sen per ordinary share for this financial year. As noted above, it has become increasingly more challenging to keep the nations lights on while ensuring the sus tainability of TNBs operations. However, TNB are guided in this on-going mission by their 20-year Strategic Transformation Plan which they embarked on in 2005. Divided into four five-year phases, this plan strengthens their ground rules and places them on a stronger footing towards realizing their long-term vision of becoming a leading energy corporation globally. Although they are less than halfway through this Strategic Plan, they have already achieved some very encouraging results. A range of key aspects of their performance in terms of electricity generation, transmission and distribution have reached, or are very close to reaching, world-class standards. For the year 2011, Platts rated TNB the 24th best electric utility company in the world, and the third best in Asia. Coming from such a well-known organization, this ranking speaks volumes of their financial and operational management. TNB is now in the midst of the second phase of the Strategic Plan, called Gemilang 2015 Grow th, Global, Green, which was launched on 4 January 2011. The focus of this phase is to further enhance their operations in the traditional domains of generating, transmitting and distributing electricity, while also exploring new energy related ventures locally and abroad. Towards further enhancing their core business, they have embarked on several initiatives to improve our cost-efficiency and operational effectiveness. These include broad financial and asset management plans and programmes. A key achievement of the year has been a further reduction in Transmission and Distribution Losses to 8.25%, surpassing their target of less than 9%. In terms of business expansion, they believe that TNB should leverage on its expertise to develop new sources of revenue in the energy industry locally, as well as abroad. To support their growth plans, they are working on an effective business development and policy framework which will set the company on the right path towards hitting their targ eted non-regulated revenue of RM5 billion by 2015. The chairman also adds that that its the results of the hard work of the entire TNB family. He also expresses his sincere gratitude to every one of more than 33,500 staff. He also record a special tribute to Dato Sri Che Khalib bin Mohamad Noh. Under his leadership over the last eight years, TNB has received numerous accolades, including the Prime Ministers Industry Excellence Award (AKIPM) in 2007, the highest industrial recognition in the nation for a corporate body. TNBs achievements reflect Dato Sris outstanding capabilities as President/CEO. At the same time, he welcomes the new President/CEO, Datuk Wira Ir. Azman Mohd, a veteran of the company whose entire career has been with TNB. He also thanks the Government of Malaysia and the regulatory bodies and particularly the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water and the Energy Commission for their cooperation and collaboration with their continued support and he assures that TNB will make huge strides towards becoming a successful and responsible corporate citizen. Reference : Part 2 Part 3 Difference between security valuations and capital budgeting are as follow Determination of value The values of securities, for example ordinary share are based on the market values. This is determined by many factors including demand and supply. When it comes to a capital budgeting, the value of the projects is determined by the company who offers the project. 2) Cash flow Cash flow is used to determine the value of securities such as share and debentures. The futures cash flow from dividends cannot be predicted exactly because it is not in the control of the company. When it comes to capital budgeting, the futures cash flows can be controlled by the company by reducing their expenses. b) The securities are valued according to the market value which follows the demand and supply. The values of the projects in capital budgeting is decided by the company giving the project. The securities are also valued using future cash flow, for example future dividends for share valuation. These are beyond the control of the company because it would be decided by the shareholder. The cash flow from the projects in capital budgeting can be controlled by the company by using cost cutting measures.
Monday, May 11, 2020
A Research Study On Starbucks Cafes Essay - 1700 Words
Purpose of The Study The purpose of this qualitative observational study is to uncover common characteristics and themes that are drawn individuals to visit and spend time in Starbucks cafes? Generally, people believe that Starbucks cafà ©s are used as meeting places and remote workspaces to achieve productivity, while enjoying coffee. (Loudenback, 2016) Starbucks cafà ©s over the years have spread throughout major U.S. cities and metropolitan areas. Through observation, the data will gather by documenting the activities, interactions, and reactions of participants (customers and staff) using rich thick descriptions to identify common themes or trends to understand the success of Starbucks cafà ©s. The observation process used is largely investigative, where the researcher gradually makes sense of this social phenomenon by contrasting, comparing, replicating, cataloguing and classifying the objects of this study. (Creswell, 2013) Setting and Actors The observational study was conducted between 6:36PM and 7:36PM on October 5, 2016 at a Starbuck’s Cafà © in Northeast New Jersey. The location in set along a busy highway that sees travelers from New York City and neighboring city such as Hackensack, Teaneck, and Ridgefield Park. The cafà © has been in operations for over five years and serves a working-class community. Majority of the business that are nearby include, car dealerships, restaurants, and small businesses. The primary actors in this study are general consumers that visit theShow MoreRelatedWorld s Greatest Cafe Organization1479 Words  | 6 PagesProblem statement and background World s greatest cafà © organization with more than 21,000 stores around the world. The Starbucks is the second Most Profitable Brand in Fast Food Industry Brand Estimation of $ 25.8 Billion. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Being Immersed Into Virtual Worlds Free Essays
Being Immersed in Virtual Worlds Being immersed in virtual worlds is a very appealing topic to me and often times I, myself and others dive into those kind of things many, many times especially with the increase in technology over the last few decades essay writer salary. The focus of this essay will answer specific discussions such as the impact of humanity that indulge in the artificial, virtual world by video games, movies, media and many other technologies. In addition to that, I will write about why I consider it to be a leisure time as well as the uses of all these virtual reality in the future. We will write a custom essay sample on Being Immersed Into Virtual Worlds or any similar topic only for you Order Now First of all, the technology involved in artificial, virtual world is all fantasy and has nothing to do with the real world. The problem is, some people don’t know the difference and take it out in real life as if it’s a game to them. The social implications of violent video games are often conflicted because some researchers, who are anti-violence towards video games, say that the majority of the people who play these games are more aggressive, addictive and so involved in it, they do things unpredictable, thus they are the ones who cause school shootings, crimes, etc. True to say, this is not the case because obviously everyone who play video games reacts to it differently such as myself. Even more so, I’ve been playing video games for many years since I was a child and have had no psychological effects from the games. I clearly know right and wrong, fantasy from reality. How do I know this? I was taught well by my parents and as well as ventured out in the real world. There’s also something called being pro-social, which means caring about the welfare and rights of others’ life and not put their games as a priority. Well, in some cases, violent video games do promote pro-social behavior which is a positive thing as they do not think about themselves and their leisure time only. This goes for all action and violence involved within movies and the media too. Being immersed into virtual worlds become a problem when one doesn’t know the difference, therefore naive of the facts and to make matters worse, imitate what they see in the game, most commonly â€Å"Grand Theft Auto†series which is one of the most popular among gamers. The Grand Theft Auto series is a free-roam action-adventure video game where you are in the open world of a large city freely killing people and stealing cars, escaping from cops, etc. To provide with evidence, here’s a sufficient research on that matter according to the most recent school shooting perpetrator, Adam Lanza. According to the Times Ideas website, Christopher J. Ferguson, the author of the article titled â€Å"Sandy Hook Shooting: Video Games Blamed, Again†has stated, â€Å"As a video game violence researcher and someone who has done scholarship on mass homicides†¦There is no good evidence that video games or other media contributes, even in a small way, to mass homicides or any other violence among youth. †(Ferguson P. 3) We can’t blame violent video games for everything because like I said, there are more than just violent video games alone. Adam Lanza may have played violent video games and went to a target shooting range, but there’s more to it than that. He was described as a loner with no friends, but brilliant. There was something wrong with him that no one knew or cared about; otherwise it would have prevented the Sandy Hook massacre. Secondly, simply playing video games, watching movies or TV such as soap opera and pornography are just leisure time and entertainment. These are things that should not be applied to real life. A lot of people pay for this and the companies make billions of dollars from their customers and they will continue to keep that trend going for many decades to come, the companies attitude are â€Å"We will do whatever it takes to make more money†and that is pretty much their only goal especially with the entertainment industries. Companies never run out of ideas because the virtual world is full of so many possibilities unlike real life such as Star Wars, War of the Worlds, Zombies, Aliens, Horror among many others. Sometimes, it may occur to some individuals who indulge themselves into this fantasy world and want to take it to the next level recruiting real victims and that becomes bad. In general, there are a lot of factors as to why serial killers, serial rapists, sexual sadists, online predators exist and that is because of this amongst other things that happen in their life to trigger such actions. What is even funnier is that religious people say it’s a sin to watch or play with these types of entertainment. Is killing a human in a virtual world a sin? Absolutely not! As a Christian, I believe we shouldn’t be mastered, manipulated or consumed by anything where it will affect us and others in a negative way. The applications of virtual reality are largely visual and less on words. We have become more visual over the years. However, words will still be around because how else would we explain the visual image without words? Or how else would we make an argument depicting the images and/or videos? Visual communication is direct and more efficient due to the pace of understanding it. It processes faster to the brain than words as if it’s like coding, trying to decipher what it is saying and then understanding it. Most people find TV, movies, video games more fun, appealing, and attractively productive than words. As the saying goes, visual communication is worth more than a thousand words. But we can also say that it’s a 50/50 between words and visual, they both are blended in, and despite how often one is used over the other. There are also computer applications of virtual reality such as powerful Adobe Creative Suite tools able to make logos and vectors, image manipulation through Photoshop, After Effects that add visual special effects seen in action movies, animation, wide ranges of specific colors objects and many more. You can say that these programs practically make our eyes see more, making it look more attractive and innovative that our eyes cannot see alone. Moreover, virtual reality is originally produced on a computer, engineered and then imported to all technological devices such as porting to mobile phones, tablets, laptops, etc. In Wikipedia’s definition of virtual reality, more examples of hands-on equipments used are Computer-aided design (CAD), graphics hardware acceleration, head-mounted display, database gloves, and miniaturization (making powerful devices smaller scales but still effective). Applications that apply are implementation (most commonly programming languages such as Java, C++, Perl, or Python), Manufacturing (serve a new product design, prototypes, Computer-Aided Manufacturing), and Urban design (urban regeneration and planning transport projects). In the future, virtual reality is becoming more surreal with the advancements in technology. As technology becomes more advanced and complex, so will virtual reality. Virtual reality is all surrounded by computers and devices extracted from real life and data stored in memory. It is amazing how fast technology has boosted in just a few decades and we are already doing High-Definition and 3-D. Now, virtual reality needs to complete all five senses, sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste in the world of virtual reality being able to freely walk in what you imagined to be reality! How extraordinary technology will be to fulfill all five senses in virtual reality, in your own world that you, not only imagined, but also produced! How to cite Being Immersed Into Virtual Worlds, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Sleepy people the dangers of sleep deprivation Essays - Sleep, Nap
Sleepy people the dangers of sleep deprivation Do this test tonight when you go to bed. Put a plate on the floor next to your bed. Lie down with one hand hanging over the bed holding a spoon above the plate. When you fall asleep, the spoon will fall on the plate and should wake you up. If you dont wake up until the next day, it probably means you are sleep deprived. We live in a world of tired, sleep deprived people. This is the theory of behavioural biologist, Paul Martin. In his book Counting Sheep, he describes a society which is just too busy to sleep and which does not give sleeping the importance it deserves. We all know the importance of having a healthy diet and doing exercise, but we dont worry enough about sleeping the hours we need. Paul Martin says: We might live longer and happier lives if we took our beds as seriously as our running shoes. So much to do, so little time Modern society has invented reasons not to sleep. We are now a 24 / 7 society where shops and services must be available all hours. We spend longer a t work than we used to, and more time getting to work. Mobile phones and email allow us to stay in touch round the clock and late-night TV and the Internet tempt us way from our beds. When we need more time for work or pleasure, the easy solution is to sleep less. The average adult sleeps only 6.2 hours a night during the week, whereas research shows that most people need eight or even eight and a half hours sleep to feel at their best. Nowadays many people have got used to sleeping less than they need and they live in an almost permanent state of sleep debt, owing their bodies perhaps 2530 hours of sleep. Going against nature Until the invention of electric light in 1879 our daily cycle of sleep used to depend on the hours of daylight. People would get up with the sun and go to bed at nightfall. But nowadays our hours of sleep are mainly determined by our working hours (or our social life) and most people are woken up artificially by an alarm clock. During the day caffeine, the worlds most popular drug, helps to keep us awake. 75% of the worlds population habitually consumes caffeine which, up to a point, masks the symptoms of sleep deprivation. Sleepy people What does a chronic lack of sleep do to us? As well as making us irritable and unhappy as people it also reduces our motivation and ability to work. This has serious implications for society in general. Doctors, for example, are often chronically sleep deprived, especially when they are on night call and may get less than three hours sleep. Lack of sleep can seriously impair their mood, judgment, and ability to take decisions. Our politicians are often jet-lagged after crossing time zones. World summit meetings called to deal with a crisis often result in decisions being taken after marathon sessions when everyone is severely sleep deprived. human error caused by tiredness contributed to the worst nuclear accident in history at Chernobyl in 1986. Tired engineers, in the early hours of the morning, made a series of mistakes with catastrophic results. On our roads and motorways lack of sleep kills thousands of people every year. Tests show that a tired driver can be just as dangerous a s a drunk driver. However, driving when drunk is against the law but driving when exhausted isnt. As Paul Martin says, it is very ironic that we admire people who function on very little sleep instead of criticizing them for being irresponsible. Our world would be a much safer, happier place if everyone, whatever their job, slept eight hours a night. SLEEP TIPS 1 Give sleep a high priority in your life. 2 Listen to your body. If you feel tired, you probably need more sleep. 3 Pay off your sleep debt by going to bed half an hour earlier for a few weeks. 4 Have a regular routine try to go to bed at roughly the same time every day. 5 Take a nap during the day (ideally
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Teaching assistant
Teaching assistant Researchers admit that it is vital to instill confidence in students. However, it can be difficult to instill confidence and provide constructive criticism to the student. Teaching assistant should exploit a variety of tools to achieve this goal. Some of the most effective tools are various types of feedback and development of students’ autonomy.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Teaching assistant specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Tapp and Lively (2009) note that effective feedback is one of the most potent tools to provide constructive criticism and praise students. Thus, the teaching assistant should provide specific feedback on each assignment given to students. The feedback should consist of two parts. First, the teaching assistant should praise the student’s work defining the strongest parts of the work. After that, it is crucial to define the weakest points. Of course, criticism should not be insult ing. It can be a good idea to put leading questions which can help the student improve the work. It is necessary to encourage the student to provide an in-depth research on the matter. The teaching assistant should also show particular parts of the work to improve. Importantly, each assignment should be evaluated as students feel that their effort is appreciated and valued (Tapp Lively, 2009). Tapp and Lively (2009) also claim that it is important to look for something positive in any work. Students should not be discouraged by the instructor’s comments. Novice teaching assistants often make a big mistake. They try not to discourage students by providing incomplete criticism. In other words, they simply discuss only some mistakes ignoring the rest of errors made by students. Another mistake is that teaching assistants provide quite vague comments. This is an ineffective practice. It is important to comment upon each error and each weak place. At that, the teaching assistant should provide comprehensive and clear commentaries so that the student can easily use the commentaries in future. Developing students’ autonomy can also be effective as this will help the teaching assistant provide constructive criticism and, at the same time, help the student develop confidence (Stephenson, 1998). Students should not be dependent on their instructors. The teaching assistant should encourage students to be more autonomous. Peer assessment and self-assessment can be effective. The teaching assistant then provides feedback on the works which were evaluated by students. The teaching assistant will assess the work and the students’ evaluation. Again, it is important to start with praising and then it is crucial to provide comprehensive commentaries on the drawbacks of the paper (and evaluation). This will help students develop critical thinking as well as confidence as evaluation of the work is rarely incorrect, it is rather incomplete.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In conclusion, it is possible to note that the teaching assistant should use feedback and student’s autonomy when providing constructive criticism to the student. The feedback should be comprehensive and easy to understand. Students should see the exact parts of the work to be improved. The teaching assistant should start any feedback with defining strengths of the work. It is also important to make sure all errors and weaknesses of the work are commented upon. Even if there are lots of mistakes, the teaching assistant should address all of them. This precision will not discourage the student, but will help the student avoid numerous mistakes in future. The teaching assistant should also resort to peer assessment and self-assessment. Evaluating the paper along with students’ evaluation, the teaching assistant helps students develop confidence and encourage them to work harder. Reference List Stephenson, J. (1998). Supporting student autonomy in learning. In J. Stephenson M. Yorke (Eds.), Capability and quality in higher education (pp. 129-141). London: Kogan Page. Tapp, A. Lively, D. (2009). Think twice before you speak: Using effective praise in the early childhood and university setting. Research in Higher Education Journal, 3, 13-20.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Drafting an Obscenity and Profanity Policy for Schools
Drafting an Obscenity and Profanity Policy for Schools Obscenity and profanity have become significant issues that schools must get a handle on. Profanity especially has become a problem in part because students hear their parents using words that are unacceptable at school and model what they do. Furthermore, pop culture has made it a more acceptable practice. The entertainment industry, especially music, movies, and television glamorizes the use of obscenities and profanity. Sadly, students are using profane words at a younger and younger age. Schools must have a strong policy to deter students from being profane or obscene primarily because they are often vulgar in nature, the use of these types of words/materials often leads to distractions, and can occasionally lead to fights or altercations. Educating our students is critical in eliminating or reducing the problem as is the case for almost any social issue. Students must be taught that there are other alternatives to using obscenities and profanity during school. They must be taught that school is the wrong time and wrong place to practice the use of expletive language. Some parents may allow their children to use profanity in the home, but they need to know that it will not be allowed or tolerated in school. They need to know that using inappropriate language is a choice. They can control their choices at school, or they will be held accountable. Many students are offended when other students use inappropriate language. They are not exposed to it in their home and do not make it a regular part of their vernacular. It is especially important for schools to teach older students to be respectful and mindful of younger students. Schools must adopt a zero tolerance stance when older students are knowingly using inappropriate language around younger students. Schools should have an expectation for all students to be respectful of one another. Cursing in any form can be offensive and disrespectful to many students. If nothing else, all students should refrain from this practice because of this.  Getting a handle on the issue of obscenity and profanity will be an uphill and continuous battle. Schools wanting to improve this area must draft a tough policy, educate their students on the policy, and then follow through with the assigned consequences no matter the context. Once students see that you are cracking down on the issue, most will alter their vocabulary and comply because they do not want to be in trouble. Obscenity and Profanity Policy Obscene materials including, but not limited to illustrations (drawings, painting, photographs, etc.) and oral or written materials (books, letters, poems, tapes, CDs, videos, etc.) which are commercially or student produced are prohibited. Profanity including, but not limited to, gestures, symbols, verbal, written, etc. is prohibited during school and at all school sponsored activities. There is one word that is strictly prohibited. The â€Å"F†word will not be tolerated under any circumstance. Any student who uses the â€Å"F†word in any context will automatically be suspended out of school for three days. All other forms of inappropriate language are highly discouraged. Students must choose their words carefully and consciously. Students caught using obscenities or profanities will be subject to the following disciplinary code. 1st Offense - Verbal reprimand. Notice issued to parents.2nd Offense - 3 detention times.3rd Offense - 3 days in-school placementSubsequent Offenses - 3 days out-of-school suspension.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 58
Assignment Example Hill et al. (2010) provided evidence that workplace flexibility decreases work-life conflict and improved productivity by motivating employees to work longer hours. They stressed that schedule flexibility must be related to workplace flexibility too. Thus, reducing a five-day work week to a four-day one will greatly improve the wellbeing of employees, which will directly contribute to their morale and energy at the workplace. Facer and Wadsworth (2010) presented their findings on the Utah’s implementation of a four-day work week for state employees. Findings showed that decreased work week schedules considerably lessened participants’ total commute time, thereby boosting employees’ personal time that they can use for social and household activities, or sleep. Lowering long commute times can offer concrete benefits for organizations, since this research gives evidence that longer commutes result to more stress, more health problems, more absenteeism and tardiness, and lower performance. This source is useful for my proposal because it supports the benefits of a four-day work week at individual, company, and society levels. For individuals, they will save money and time in going to work and they can feel less work-life conflict; for companies, they can experience less expenses in electricity and other tools used by employees; and for society, social and environmental benefits are appar ent. For Chapter Ten, I learned valuable resource evaluation knowledge and skills. For instance, I used to take studies for granted, meaning that I no longer evaluate their validity and reliability. From now on, I use a system in evaluating my sources. First, I evaluate the source for its â€Å"reputation for honesty and credibility†(p.245). I examine the journals and their methods in choosing their published articles. I learned to prefer peer-reviewed over non-peer reviewed sources. Second, I discovered that it is critical to assess the
Monday, February 3, 2020
Physical Activity and Energy Pathways Coursework
Physical Activity and Energy Pathways - Coursework Example When I make healthy everyday exercise choices, I tend to make better food choices. Fruits and vegetables replace candy bars and chips in my diet when I am making better food choices. In my mind, I feel exercise should not be sabotaged by poor food choices. This affects my social activities as well. Instead of going to the movie with friends and family, I chose to do more physical activities. For example, I will go bowling or skating. I like to be more active. This is all due to my effort to walk a couple of miles a day. The three fitness activities in which I have been involved and in which I will describe Energy Pathways will be running, swimming, and tennis. The three Energy Pathways are ATP-CP, LA, and O2. ATP-CP can be defined as Adenosine Triphosphate which is a chemical compound formed with the energy released from food and stored in all cells, particularly muscles. The energy released by the breakdown of this compound can make the cells perform work. The breakdown of ATP produces energy and ADP. CP or Creatine Phosphate is a compound stored in the muscle, which when broken down aids in the manufacture of ATP. The combination of ADP and CP results in ATP. LA or Lactic Acid is a fatiguing metabolite of the lactic acid system caused by the incomplete breakdown of glucose. O2 is when in aerobic running ATP is produced from food mainly fat and sugar. This system produces ATP in abundance and is the prime energy source during endurance activities. When endurance running the Energy Pathways used are 10% ATP-CP and LA, which occurs in the first 1-45 seconds. The LA-O2 Energy Pathways are used 20% in the 45-120 seconds. The O2 is used 70% for the rest of the activity. During swimming the Energy Pathways used are 10% ATP-CP and LA, which occurs in the first 1-45 seconds. The LA-O2 Energy Pathways are used 20% in the 45-120 seconds.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Importance of language in science education
Importance of language in science education Mauritius has lately seen a decline in the number of students opting for science. According to the Mauritius Research Council (2004) increasingly science is becoming less popular in schools. Furthermore, less than 30% of the pupils doing school certificate will opt for science. There are many reasons for this. The science subjects are often considered to be difficult and there is a perceived lack of job opportunities. The low ratio of scientist to population in Mauritius does not augur well for the future. There is a need to produce a critical mass of broad based and specialized scientists during the coming decades to facilitate the emergence of the knowledge economy to serve the region (Education strategic plan, 114). This chapter attempts to shed some light on the occurrence of the decline of popularity of science subjects and the situation in Mauritius.This introductory chapter also discusses the reasons behind my choice for the research focus, aims and sub questions. 1.1. Education in Mauritius Education encompasses teaching and learning specific skills and something less tangible but more profound: the imparting of knowledge, good judgment and wisdom. (Rughooputh, 2005, p.2). Moving from a mono-crop based economy to a more diverse and complex economic structure which is spreading its reach towards the service sector, Mauritius is now one of the leading nations in terms of economic growth in the African and Indian Ocean region. If Mauritius aims at becoming a globally competitive nation, it is critical that the country shores up its capacity in Tertiary Education, in Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) and in human resources generally (Budget Speech, 2008-2009, p.11.). Education is vital to a nation addressing human development, satisfying employment and in setting the pace for social mobility. It is also of crucial importance in providing a highly skilled labor force as per the economic requirements of the challenges of time. (Rughooputh,2000 ,pp 1-17 ) The ultimate objective of any educational enterprise is to improve student achievement so that individuals may fulfil their personal aspirations and become contributing members of society. Improving student achievement and attaining excellence is hard. According to Classen (1999) it is by equipping children with knowledge, skills and attitudes that we can ensure that they become full fledged citizens and self directed life long learners who can co-exist in a world characterized by diversity and pluralism. 1.2 Importance and role of Science education Recent studies on the status of science and technology in Mauritius, focusing on the education sector, show that science as a subject is becoming increasingly less attractive to pupils, as is the case in many countries across the world. (Suddhoo, 2003). Our current lacking in science could have implications on the quality of our human resource, particularly within the context of the vision of transforming the country into a Cyber island. There needs to be a complete review of the teaching and learning of science in schools. The current state of affairs is already leading to pupils and students shying away from science for many reasons varying from science to be perceived as a difficult subject to the lack of career opportunities for those opting for scientific subjects. (Education strategic plan., 2008-2020, p. 62). 1.3. Importance of language in science education Reasoning and argument, so essential to communication in science, proceed in words. The more contentious the argument, the simpler and more charged the words (Hoffmann, 1988). The choice of the language of instruction used in school is of utmost importance. This is an issue that needs attention in Mauritius especially in view of its specificity and also the socio-economically disadvantaged areas where both family and community exposure to the English language (the official language of instruction and assessment in schools) is limited. (Education Strategic plan., 2008-2020, p. 38). The use of English in examinations is not going to change in the near future though in the new education strategic plan proposed by the current education minister there was mention for a need of broad based national consultation concerning the change of the official language of instruction and assessment. (Education Strategic plan., 2008-2020, p 38). The use of the language of instruction used in schools is of utmost importance to ensure that all the students learn effectively. Mauritian children have a great resource- bilinguism and sometimes even trilinguism. However, this causes some problems in schools. For example, there is quite a lot of Creole interference in classes especially for low ability students 1.4 Professional context and research focus Our island has a highly diverse population. The official language is English whereas the vernacular language is Creole. According to the latest census (2000) Creole is spoken and used in daily interactions by 80.5% of the population, and English is spoken and used in daily interactions by less than 1% of the population. Students entering the secondary schools therefore, come from a Creole-speaking environment and English is the language of instruction in schools is English. My concern is that the quality of results is poor. As an educator, I have the interests of my pupils at heart. From discussions with my own students and colleagues, one prominent issue stuck out. Students have difficulties with the medium of language (that is English).According to the latest census (2000), English although it is the official language of the state (and thus, the official language of instruction in schools) is spoken and used in daily interactions by less than 1% of the population. There is a major problem in the writing, reading and understanding the language of biology and consequently the pupils do not manage to reach the adequate level of scientific literacy. This is mainly because at the heart of science is a language concept: asking and answering questions. It is argued that language plays an active role in the development of scientific ideas (Ford and Peat., 1988, p.12). There is a need therefore to investigate, to see how much language is a barrier to successful studies in science. There is moreover, a need to explore how low language efficiency affects the understanding and performance of students. I intend to explore different teaching strategies and I believe that it will help me advance in professional knowledge. Our current lacking in science could have implications on the quality of our human resource, particularly within the context of the vision of transforming the country into a Cyber island. There needs to be a complete review of the teaching and learning of science in schools. The current state of affairs is already leading to pupils and students shying away from science for many reasons varying from science to be perceived as a difficult subject to the lack of career opportunities for those opting for scientific subjects. (Education strategic plan., 2008-2020, p. 62). The current disaffection for scientific disciplines, coupled with the need to open the minds of children to observation, deductive reasoning, teamwork, free thinking and universal truths leaves us no choice but to rethink the way we teach science to children, if we want them to enjoy learning and to think both imaginatively and rationally. In the Mauritian Education system, it is a fact that we are bilingual, and that most of the classes and exams( the exception being French obviously) at the primary, secondary and tertiary level are conducted in English. There is a major interference of Creole in the language used and written by pupils. Stress on proper English can inhibit many children from expressing themselves in the kind of language they use at home, while learning for all too many students means guessing what answers the teacher expects. It is a simple truth that teachers communicate both information and values to their students, and do so almost exclusively through language. It is based on research using transcripts of actual lessons to show how questions demanding factual (rather than reasoned) answers are used-if not overused-in arts subjects, and how science teachers can learn to avoid vocabulary, which is too abstract or technical. (Barnes et al, 1989, pp.5-6) It therefore seems that language that we are using in class to teach is of great importance. From my three years teaching experience one major problem I have encountered in my biology classes is the pupils have inadequate language proficiency( English in our context) to be able to write their answers correctly and sometimes even in understanding the questions set. I need to improve their language efficiency and consequently their biology proficiency. Language learning is not a simple linear process, but involves the ongoing development of skills for a range of purposes. This development is largely the result of the social contexts and interactions in which learning occurs. By focusing on the ways in which teachers can scaffold language and learning in the content areas, one can take a holistic approach-one that appreciates the struggle of students learning a new language, while simultaneously developing subject knowledge in it, and the challenge for teachers to address these needs( Gibbons, 2002, p.3). As an educator, I sincerely wish to be able to create capable, confident biology students who are effective communicators through oral and written language. They should be able to make informed decisions for themselves especially in a scientific way and to contribute wisely to the society and nation at large. According to Yore et al., (1995) the acquisition of both language literacy and science literacy is dependent on the students ability to think critically in similar ways. They also assert that the reading process corresponds to the process of scientific inquiry. Both require skills in setting purposes, questioning, predicting, analyzing evidence and drawing conclusions, and communicating results. Many children find science to be an interesting subject. We have to develop ways to make students enjoy science content, and develop their thinking and literacy skills during different activities. Research has shown that, reading and writing about science help develop and reinforce desired science concepts (Yore, 2003; Palincsar Magnussen, 2001; Thier, 2002). Upon examination, it is clear that scientific literacy and language literacy have much in common (Alvermann, 2004; Baker, 2004; Casteel Isom, 1994). They work together in strengthening skills and strategies in both curricular areas. As Marlene Thier (2002) explains, Good science-and effective teaching and learning in science-is dependent upon strong language skills. Indeed, science and language are inextricably linked in the pursuit, determination and communication of meaning in the context of the physical world( Ogle and Mckee., 2005, p1) That is why the research focus I am planning to carry out is an action research 1.4.1Sub-questions: What is the current language literacy of my form 3 students? What aspects of language should I deal with as a science educator? Why there is a need to take remedial action change concerning language in biology teaching and learning? How can I improve students performance at my school in biology? Aims: I want to know how my form 3 students perceive biology and what they believe to be the major obstacles in order to succeed with good grades. At the end of the dissertation, I want to show that one problem that I face in biology teaching can be diminished through different teaching and learning styles. Furthermore, an important outcome of biology teaching is to improve their writing. Therefore, through various activities I want to develop that. The purpose of my study is: To improve my teaching capacities. To increase performance of biology students at my school through different activities. To develop an appreciation of biology in my students. To diminish the incidence of language being a major barrier to the successful and efficient learning of the subject.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Legislation, Regulatory Requirements and Codes of Conduct
Legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of conduct There are many codes of practice, legislation and regulation which a teacher must be aware of and adhere to. Whilst many are generic to the teaching profession there are also others, which are specific to the subject matter being taught. The Data Protection Act (2003); The Children Act (2004); Equality Act (2010); Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006); Education and skills Act (2008) and Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) are examples of generic laws which have over the years been amended to reflect current practice.The Data Protection Act (1998 amended 2003) provides the legal framework on how and when personal information should be obtained, processed and shared. The amendment covered the use of electronic data. This law is particularly relevant to my subject area of Marketing as data collection forms one of the richest forms of customer insight. However, marketers must ensure a customer knows they are collecting their data and that it is only used legitimately and within a reasonable timeframe.The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006) was introduced to provide a vetting and barring mechanism to ensure anyone working with children of young adults is properly checked. Anyone looking to work with these groups should expect to the checked by the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB). The Health & Safety at Work Act (1974) defines the obligations of an employer to ensure that all employees are not put at risk during their work and that all employees should oblige with the Health and Safety regulations imposed by the Employees.Risk assessments should be carried our where necessary. As a teacher it is important to ensure the you are registered with the Institute for Learning (IFL) and adhere to their 8 desired behaviours which ensure that you treat the profession as well as learners with respect at all times and maintain your expertise knowledge in your subject matter through CPD and in line with the curri culum as outlined by the governing award
Thursday, January 9, 2020
What Absolutely Everyone Is Saying About Buy Research
What Absolutely Everyone Is Saying About Buy Research Definitions of Buy Research If you would like to purchase research chemicals, there are tons of sites out there. In case the site is authentic, you can purchase jwh or another research chemical from the exact same. By following this advice, you will have the ability to purchase research chemicals USA online safely and legally. At this time that it is very hard to discover good responsible research chemicals supplier. Today chemicals are employed in the manufacturing of almost all of the goods. Our research chemicals shop bring you lots of pure and advanced research chemicals. Greatest quality of research chemicals on earth. Ruthless Buy Research Strategies Exploited First of all, you'll have continuous communication with your writer throughout the purchase generation practice. If you wish to get an affordable customized paper, continue reading for some ideas and suggestions on the way the procedure works and just what you can expect to get. Possibility to choose specialist to compose your research paper and communicate with him during the writing process it is possible to request drafts or mention extra instructions to receive a last example that satisfies your expectations. Also, as soon as your sample document is finished, it is going to be reviewed by our highly trained editorial staff. The 5-M inute Rule for Buy Research To run a research, it's essential to locate the proper quality and standard of research chemicals, synthetic cannabinoids. The other way a guide can be deemed to be a drug is if it's meant to be utilized as a drug. The very best part is that if you purchase jwh or other research chemicals online, in most situations, you won't require presenting any kind of prescription. Browse our site and choose the type of cocaine product that you want. Unfortunately there are several companies claiming to be reputable but they're not selling the ideal quality. You're able to read reviews from our clients about other products so you know more about them prior to making a transaction. No longer will you need to locate a supplier and visit the meeting place which could be dangerous as well as not safe. It is very important to check because is some cases maybe you're breaking the law even as soon as the provider isn't. Buy Research: No Longer a Mystery A superb re search thesis is very clear and specific. Whatever topic you select for your research, we'll allow you to compose papers on that. So if you prefer to obtain affordable research papers, we'll inform you how we work on completing your orders. It's true, you can get research papers online cheap, and you'll become just what you pay for. In future, you understand that too cheap websites or too expensive sites aren't the ideal areas to look for if you want to obtain decent research paper, therefore carry out some research on the web site you would like to purchase research papers from. There are lots of websites where you can get a research paper. Even when you have the time to truly dive into a research paper, you might still wind up struggling. If buying research papers be sure you're going to get original papers. What to Expect From Buy Research? It's possible for you to make order directly from our site or via e-mail. Your order comes right from the manufacturer! It is possible to also place a personalized order here. It's absolutely secure and simple to set an order in our company, as you'll undoubtedly get a fantastic text or a complete refund. The 30-Second Trick for Buy Research Locating a dependable research chemical supplier on forums will certainly lead you to this website. Actually, you're earni ng every potential advantage that it is possible to become just by buying custom research paper from us. After a very long search you've found the perfect place to purchase essay online. Essay online is quite low-cost! Research assignment is a rather significant part the educational procedure, such academic assignment develops critical thinking and analytical abilities, which will be helpful for each and every individual not just in the career but also in everyday life. In order to earn everything right, particularly if you lack experience, you will need to find a very good research proposal sample to be confident that you're on the right path. Thus, in any circumstance and regardless of your demands and requirements Paperell is where all your problems will be solved in the ideal manner! Taking into account the quantity of work that students must do, it's especially challenging to deal with each assignment in time.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Film Festivals The Most Pervasive Form Of Communication
Film festivals are showcases that attract widespread global attention for films and people. People enjoy the chance for a community to interact in many ways: filmmaker to filmmaker, amateur to professional, and filmmaker to audience. Film festivals function as sites for the production, distribution, and exhibition of independent films from all over the world. Festivals are significantly important because they are promoting expression, art and culture. Film is the basis of all motion picture forms, and is the most pervasive form of communication and entertainment in the postmodern world (Tomaselli 5).These independent films have no true definition, but can be explained as distinguishable solely by their content and style and the way in which the filmmakers personal artistic vision is realized. Usually, but not always, independent films are made with considerably lower budgets than major studio movies (Wikipedia). Independent films are generally more creative at story-telling and different from studio films in their way of distribution, production, and funding. The creators of independent films are usually working with tight budgets, therefore making the movies shorter. Therefore, filmmakers utilize film festivals as their distribution channel: â€Å"They provide an opportunity for unknown filmmakers to get their movies in front of a real live audience and to have their films reviewed by professional critics. Filmmakers whose movies get accepted into a festival also get valuableShow MoreRelatedIr The Iranian Identity3660 Words  | 15 PagesImages from Iran: Iranian Identity in the Global World Globalization is defined as the ‘world becoming a small global village’ where all countries merge into a mosaic of one multicultural free communication of information village. Yet, if globalization is supposed to enhance the relationships between different cultures, making the whole world one nation, it drastically fails, due to the many differences between the world’s nations. Iran is one example of a country nation that has been detached fromRead MoreHumanities: Arts2242 Words  | 9 Pagesthe oldest and most important means of expression developed by man. Wherever people have lived together, art has sprung up among them as a language charge with feeling and significance. The desire to create this language appears to be universal. As a cultural force, it is pervasive and potent. Art, like love it is not easy to define. It concerns itself with the communication of certain ideas and feelings by means of sensuous medium – color, sound, bronze, marble, words, and film. This medium isRead MoreCultural Tourism4485 Words  | 18 Pagesan appreciation of the past. It also refers to the marketing of a location to members of a diaspora who have distant family roots there. Decolonization and immigration form the major background of much contemporary heritage tourism. Falling travel costs have also made heritage tourism possible for more people. Another possible form involves religious travel or pilgrimages. Many Catholics from around the world come to the Vatican and other sites such as Lourdes or Fà ¡tima. Large numbers of Jews haveRead MorePopular Music As Vehicle Of Popular Culture4053 Words  | 17 PagesPOPULAR MUSIC AS VEHICLE OF POPULAR CULTURE, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO CONTEMPORARY MIZO CULTURE By Lalven Sanga INTRODUCTION The rapid growth of communication and development of media brought about changes to the human culture and societies. The study of culture is more complex than ever before. Richard H. Robbins says, â€Å"In cultural anthropology, as in every science, we strive to look beyond the world of everyday experiences to discover the patterns and meanings that lie behind that worldRead Moreâ€Å" India†– â€Å"Changes in Last 60 Years2216 Words  | 9 PagesAN ESSAY ON  â€Å" INDIA†– â€Å"CHANGES IN LAST 60 YEARS India is a big country that consists of various segments of consumers, based on income, class and status. The most recent and crucial development in India’s rising consumerism story is the birth of the rural market for basic consumer goods. Rise in literacy rates and exposure to the west, satellite television, newspapers, foreign magazines and newspapers have all led to the phenomenal rise of Indian consumer. Today, more and more of IndianRead MoreAsean Culture4752 Words  | 20 Pagesmorning Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Immanuel L. Maglasang from Boonwattana School. Today, I would like to affirm to you that ASEAN CULTURE is for everyone. First, I would like to define what culture is. Most of us think that culture is just about Folk Dances, Festivals and Traditions. But culture is more than that. Culture is the characteristics of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. Each country in theRead MoreHegemony and Discourse : Negotiating Cultural Relationships Through Media Production8970 Words  | 36 Pageslargely involving cases of domestic abuse (Stuart and Bery, 1996: 197–8). These efforts, assisted by an Downloaded from at University Tunku Abdul Rahman on February 22, 2013 310 Journalism 3(3) organization called Communication for Change, focus on allowing people to speak for themselves, rather than funneling information through experts or journalists. In so doing, the participants gain a sense of empowerment that enables them to ‘give a stronger collective voice forRead MoreInfluence of Immigration on the American Culture and Language14362 Words  | 58 Pages millions around the world have found emigrating to the U.S. as the only alternative to starvation, death, or a life full of hardship and suffering. Most immigrants came, and still come today, for wealth, land, and freedom. With thousands from nations spanning the globe, America has become a mosaic of people, culture, and hope. It is one of the most developed countries. It houses a lot of cultures, traditions, and ways of life. A lot of people think that it is the land of dream so they strive toRead MoreMarketing Strategy of Samsung Mobile17504 Words  | 71 Pagesbrand, including Samsung Electronics, the worlds largest electronics company, Samsung Heavy Industries, one of the worlds largest shipbuilders and Samsung Engineering Construction, a major global construction company. These three multinationals form the core of Samsung Group and reflect its name - the meaning of the Korean word Samsung is tristar or three stars. The Samsung brand is the best known South Korean brand in the world and in 2005, Samsung overtook Japanese rival Sony as the worldsRead MoreConsumer Lifestyle in Singapore35714 Words  | 143 Pages impact  manufacturing  and  services†.  Kit Wei Zheng, a Singapore-based economist at Citigroup, added in a recent article in Bloomberg Business  â€Å"You  cannot  depend  on  domestic  demand  to  offset  the  drag  from  the  external  sector  whereas most of the other Asian economies arguably can. Singapore is more  exposed  to  what’s  happening  in  developed  countries†. Putting  Singapore’s  reliance  on  exports  into  context,  Bloomberg  Business  noted  â€Å"Singapore,  located at the southern
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